Diabetic Recipes | Lunch Snacks
Diabetic Recipes | Lunch Snacks

We found 612 recipes matching the category: Lunch Snacks

12-Layer Salad
A beautiful layered vegetable salad topped with garlic dressing.
Carbs: 34.8g Calories: 363.5
Saturated Fat: 2.9g Sodium: 211.4mg

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dLife is the only integrated consumer/patient education and marketing platform that effectively targets and engages the diabetes community. dLife has become the premiere model to help companies communicate, educate and interact with millions of diabetes patients, consumers and caregivers.

dLife was established in 2004, recognizing that people suffering from diabetes are also substantial consumer lifestyle groups desirous of more information as well as connection to their community.

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Please visit the website to view all the Diabetic lunch recipes.

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